At Noteboom RV, we love helping our customers find great accessories for the RVs they own. Some of the best RV accessories are kitchen accessories because they are unique and useful. For more information, visit our location in Harrisburg, South Dakota, serving Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Sioux City, Iowa.

Dish Mats

Rubber mats are great for an RV because the dishes don't slide around on them, and they aren't bulky. You don't have to fit them in the sink. Instead, they can sit on the counter and collect the dishes you wash. Once you finish washing, the rubber mat can be rinsed off, dried, and easily stored. These mats are also a great way to save space!

Plastic Soap Dispensers

Unbreakable items that help you live comfortably on your RV are ideal. For example, you can find unbreakable soap dispensers for your RV that are also small, so they store well.

Collapsible Items

Consider collapsible recycling bins as well as collapsible bins for dirty laundry. These are easy to slide out of the way when you don't use them, but they are fantastic to have when you do need to stay organized on your RV. You can also get other collapsible kitchen items to store items such as leftovers.

French Press

It is always great to have a fresh cup of coffee while waking up from a good night's rest in your RV. Many people enjoy making coffee in a French press. This item takes up much less space than a coffee pot that needs electricity. Consider getting a French press if only one or two people are using the RV.

Small Appliances

Whether you like to use a slow cooker or a toaster oven, small appliances are always great for an RV. First, consider how much space you have, and then choose a couple appliances that you'd like to use regularly. Also, small appliances are great for use when it is scorching outside and you don't want to use the oven or stove.

Nesting Accessories

Nesting pans, bowls, and food storage are a must for your RV. The smaller you can make everything in the kitchen, the more organized you'll be when you cook. On the other hand, being disorganized can cause a lot of frustration in a small space.

Are you looking for a new RV? At Noteboom RV, we are always happy to help you find the RV that fits your lifestyle when you contact us at our location in Harrisburg, South Dakota, serving Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Sioux City, Iowa.